Hello Goodbye
We packed our bags and
said goodbye to Seattle. Spokane here we come! Trying to pack up a house and move across the state with two little kids is very hectic. But we did it. I was really sad to leave Seattle for a myriad of reasons, but I won't go into that right now. We decided to move in with Chris's parents to save some money until we could buy a house. I was worried about what it would be like living with them, but so far it has been great. It's nice to have someone to talk to when Chris isn't home. Sam loves his Papa and runs to him every time I try to do something horrible like change his diaper or make him take a nap. Sam and Charlie also have a set of cousins who live here and I'm glad they'll have the opportunity to get to know them. Sam
adores his 5-year old cousin Eli or Ili as he would say. Eli has also been very good about taking care of Sam, so it's been fun to watch them bond. I think Sam has done amazingly well with the transition too. He's only hit Charlie a few times and pushed him off the couch twice, so he's making progress. When we moved, we put him into a big-boy bed and took away his pacifier. Those are some pretty huge adjustments for the little guy. Right now, we have to lay in his bed with him until he falls
asleep, but we're hoping he'll figure it out soon. And now that he's in a big bed, he will wake up in the middle of the night and crawl into bed with us. It's pretty cute. We also put Charlie into the crib in his room so he's no longer in the Pack N Play in our room. He doesn't really care where he sleeps or where he is. As long as he's fed and has a clean diaper, he's happy. Chris spent the first few days here at home with me helping me get acquainted with the area. We went to Manito Park on the South Hill. It was a beautiful park and Sam loved chasing the ducks.
We packed our bags and
Sam's Birthday
Sam turned 2 years old on October 13. I just can't believe I have a 2 year old. Where did the time go. He has a cousin exactly one year older, so the week
end we moved
our stuff, we had a family birthday party. My sis-in-law made some excavator cakes for the boys which were adorable. The next day, we celebrated his birthday back in Seattle with his Uncle Mike and Aunt Jennie. We went to a pizza place called Snoose Junction in Ballard. It was so much fun and I would highly recommend going if you have a chance. Sam loves hanging out with Mike and Jennie and we are going to miss them a lot.
Halloween Festivities
We decided to take Sam and Charlie to one of the local farms to pick out a pumpkin. I was really excited for Sam to go on the hay ride and pet the baby goats, but all he wanted to do was play on the slide. I realized that I can't expect him to be excited about the things I want him to be excited about. We all still had a lot of fun and that's what counts.
For Halloween, Sam was a skeleton and Charlie was a cowboy. First, we went Trick or Treating at Chris's work. Sam caught on a little too quickly with what was going on. He didn't really want to say trick or treat. He was all about business: get in, get the candy and move on. He did say thank you to most everyone, which was really sweet. However, Sam didn't get a nap that day and had a meltdown towards the end of the trick or treating. Later that night we went to our ward Trunk or Treat. Sam was more interested in looking at all the "scary" costumes than he was in getting candy at that point. We didn't complain. We all had a great time but were very exhausted by the end of the day.
Charlie is getting so big. He'll be 3 months old on Saturday and I can't believe how quickly time goes by. He weighs about 16 pounds now and is the cutest little chunk. He's so much fun to have around and I don't think I could have asked for a better baby.

It is so fun to see new photos of your kids! I can't believe how big Sam is getting. Those 2 years have flown by! And Charlie is adorable! What a cute family!
What cute little boys you have! I hope you enjoy living in Spokane. It's always hard at first when you move, but I'm sure you'll love it there.
Its about time you posted something. I was beginning to wonder about you guys. I cant believe how big Chuck is getting. He's even more of a chunk than I remember. I cant wait to grab those cheeks in a few weeks. Dont you love halloween. I think i had more fun than the kids. How long did it take you to blog all of that? It was fun to see all of the pics tho. Im so excited to see you guys. Mom and I were thinking about going to see Twilight when you came down with Misty. That would be fun eh? Talk to you soon.
We miss you! How are you adjusting?
Charlie reminds me so much of "Cory." I love the cheeks on him!
Wow, you have been busy! Halloween is so much fun with little kids. Sounds like you guys have all been having some good times. Glad you're getting settled. I love seeing pictures of your boys, time sure flies.
Manda, your kids are sooo cute! It is so good to hear about your family.
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