Saturday, November 22, 2008

Big Christmas Tree

Today we decided to take Sam and Charlie to River Park Square to see the "big Christmas tree." When we told Sam we were going to see it, he repeated "Christmas tree" the whole drive over. It was certainly a lot bigger than I expected it to be...four stories tall. Santa was there too, but we didn't even try to see if Sam would sit on his lap.

After oohing and aahing at the tree for a while, we decided to get lunch. Sam of course had french fries. It seems to be his favorite cuisine of choice these days. Whenever I ask him what he'd like for lunch or dinner, his answer is always french fries. Today I asked him what he wanted to wear for the day, and his answer was french fries. I don't know how it's even physically possible to wear french fries, but Sam is that devoted to them that he could probably find a way. Chris and Sam also had fun playing with their food. They stuck the fries in their mouths and pretended to be walruses. (I couldn't get a very good picture of Sam because he won't let me take a picture of him these days. Every time I try to take one, he turns away.) While I made some purchases, Chris let Sam run laps up and down the stroller/wheelchair ramps. He had a blast just running around and I'll be sad when the day comes that he won't be so easily entertained.

He was not happy to leave to say the least. Chris had to hold him back in the elevator as we were leaving. Both boys were completely exhausted by the end of the trip, so I count it as a successful trip!

As far Charlie goes, he is growing growing growing. He is jabbering and smiling all the time. He certainly seems to have a lot to say, and I always wonder what it is exactly that he is saying. He's been rolling from his belly to his back for a while now, but the other day he rolled from back to belly. He's only done it twice now, but I'm a happy momma and beaming with pride at all the amazing things my child can do. It's really funny to watch him try to roll over though because he's so fat he can't move that well. It'll also be a sad day when his baby fat goes away.


RORYJEAN said...

Wow! Charlie looks so big, already! And for the record, I have seen people in french fry costumes- maybe Sam can be fries for next Halloween.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Charlie reminds me so much of "Cory" at that age ... and I better start giving my little one more tummy time. He's not quite proficient at rolling yet, LOL!