This is what is out of our window right now. I think it's close to two feet of snow. The snow on the deck comes up to my mid-thigh. I don't remember the last time I've seen weather like this. The really funny thing is that Chris is in Alaska right now. He had to go to Alaska of all places to get to better weather! He's supposed to come home tonight, but we'll see if he makes it. I'm completely unprepared for weather like this either. I'm used to the rainy winters of Seattle. Why did I ever complain about the rain? I need to buy some snow boots and gloves. If I can get out of our driveway, I'll have to do that.

Seattle actually looks close the same right now. I need to buy some boots, too! What do your boys think of the snow?
Oh, man! We are having cold weather, but hardly any snow. I'm just not cut out for snow.
We haven't left the house for two days now, so I'm not sure what the boys would even think of it. I'm sure they will enjoy it when they get older, but I'm like Amanda. I'm not cut out for the snow. I wish I could live in Arizona this time of year!
Wow, that's crazy! We have like 4 inches or so right now. Snow day!!! (teachers love snow days too!) It looks like fun. Except the whole being stuck inside part...
Please note that my wife is wearing moon boots and a Big Bird stocking hat...and my son has no pants on.
I had to laugh because my sister in over in Vancouver with about an inch of snow and they have had two late start days and one snow day. Funny people. Just so you know this is major record breaking snow. it is not like this every winter. I love the diaper and boots. Big Bird Rocks!
Amanda! I didn't know you were up in this neck of the woods. Crazy snow huh? It would be nerve racking to have a husband flying in in this weather. Good luck. We should meet up one of these days. (after the snow plows come through).
You are rockin' in that Big Bird hat! I had one like that. When I was 6. :) My mom still has it.
Wow, Fun! Monroe actually looked like that yesterday but today the thaw is setting in and I am sort of glad to be back to just the rain. If the slush melts, maybe we can drive our Civic again. :)
Holy snow! (and holy hat!) I thought of you guys when I saw the news today. Nuts. Whatever it takes for you to wear that hat though :) Awesome!
And P.S. I had a panic attack when I realized I wasn't subscribed to your blog. Had to fix that right quick!
Hey - Thanks for droppin by....I wish I had more energy to put into the site.I am glad to hear from you.Did everyone have a good holiday? We had a nice one here in Idaho Falls. I can't believe all the snow the northwest is getting!! We are actually toying around with the thought of moving to Arizona. I am really fed up with cold weather and snow!!! Sam and Charlie are soooo cute too! Talk to you later....
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