Sam always likes having someone play with him. He will literally grab shirt, pants or even a toe and say "play" or "play cars." He wants to include everyone during play time. This is especially true when it comes to playing with stickers. I know there are lots of types of therapy, such as physical therapy, retail therapy, and the ever popular shock therapy. For Sam, it seems to be sticker therapy and everyone gets to be the lucky recipients of his therapy. Hence the proof below.

That is so funny! Amanda I love your facial sticker display the best.
That is so cute! I like them on Charlie's stomach. And by the way, Amelia said she will marry Sam!
Hahahahaha! Hilarious! I love the picture of your sticker face- it looks like he got one on your eyelid? What a fun mom you are to let him stick them all over your face.
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