Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I know it's been a while, but in my defense, I'm lazy. So, to the three readers I have, you should know I'm lazy and have very low expectations of me.

That being said, I thought I'd catch up on the last couple of months. It seems we've become quite the nomadic family traveling here and there and everywhere lately. (Maybe I should have used traveling as my excuse for not blogging?) Anyway, in March I took the boys to visit my family in Pocatello while Chris continued to trudge through busy season. He happened to be in North Dakota the same time all the flooding and evacuations were happening. Lucky. Sam got to spend some quality time with his cousin Carter, and it was awesome. It seemed almost every minute of every day was like WWE Smackdown with those two. One minute Sam would be sitting on top of Carter just pinning him down. The next minute Carter has Sam in a headlock. Despite their odd way of showing affection to one another, they did manage to have some good times together. We spent a lot of time at the mall, at Wal-Mart, and eating ice cream. It don't get any better than that.

Testing gravity

Naked Cooking

Four kids, one bath...not such a good idea

One of the "nice" moments before it turns ugly.

Perusing the aisles of Wally World

"wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can...."

Chris flew from North Dakota to Pocatello and we drove back to Spokane together. We got caught in the worst snow storm. I didn't get any pictures, but if you close your eyes and picture white, that's what it was like. Luckily for us, we were in a caravan since everyone was going so slow. When we drive to and from Pocatello/Spokane, we usually do it in 3 segments. Pocatello to Dillon, MT; Dillon to Missoula; and Missoula to Spokane. Each segment takes about 3 hours. It took us 7 hours to get from Pocatello to Dillon. The funny thing is that when we got to Dillon, the weather cleared up and the roads were totally fine. So, like the fools we are, we decided to keep going. And the weather turned bad again. We ended up stopping in Butte to stay the night. Oh good times, good times. I wish I could do that all over again with two little kids.

Moving on.

Chris was scheduled to be on a client the first week of April in Eatonville, WA. The boys and I decided to tag along. It was a tiny town, about 20 minutes from Yelm, if anyone knows where that is. The whole "city" downtown area is about two blocks. We walked everywhere we went. It was so much fun though. The boys and I went to the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma and the Northwest Trek in Eatonville.

After spending a week at home, we headed off to our old stomping grounds of Seattle. Sniff. I miss it already. Anywho, we spent many a day at the parks, zoo, and the Interurban trail. We did go to a Sounders game and had a blast. The only thing I know about soccer is that they run a lot and hardly score, so it says a lot if I had a good time. We dragged Chris's brother and his wife with us too. Before the game though, had dinner at Ivars downtown. Sam was beside himself excited by all the birds. I think I managed to get a few bites of my food in before Sam fed it all to them.

I think that's it for now. We're home for two weeks and then off to Pocatello for a week. We are such jetsetters.


Kristin B. said...

You have been having so much fun without me! I'll call you and try to get in on that busy schedule this week before you leave again. Love hearing about your travels!

Amanda said...

Sounds like you have been quite busy, not lazy! I loved hearing the adventures. You are doing so much with those two boys, and a lot without Chris. I'm impressed. Sam with his cousin is SO cute!!

Emily said...

Since I'm technically from Chubbuck, then I get to make fun of all of you from Pocatello. One CANNOT go to Pocatello without going to Wal-mart and it made me laugh to hear you mention it. Okay, 'fess up--how many dollar stores did you go to? :)

Dani said...

I love the naked pics of the boys. I forgot about that!! I cant wait to see you in a week and hopefully the weather will be so nicer so we can go to the zoo and play outside a lot. It looks like you had more fun in Seattle. Hopefully we can come to see you in Spokane this summer. See you in a few days!!

Calley said...

Sheesh, you are a cra-z nomad. But it was fun to see you for two seconds in Seattle. I'm still smiling about Linda eating all your crackers :)
And your kids are so big, I can't believe how big your littlest is. Now you just have to quit being a big slacker and blog some more.

Heston Williams said...

Sounds like you have been having lots of fun. We miss Pocatello, but are getting used to life here in Riverton, Utah. Your boys are so cute. Have a safe and fun trip to Pocatello.
Love Ya,