Me: "I'd like a tall, non-fat, no whip hot chocolate."
Barista: "You want a tall, non-fat, no-whip Mocha?"
Me: "No...a tall, non-fat, no whip hot chocolate."
Barista: "Well, that's different!"
Me: "Uh-huh."
Now, I know hot chocolate and mocha sound nothing alike, so I'm pretty sure the barista didn't mishear me, but instead was correcting me on what she thought I wanted. After all, who goes to Starbucks and orders a non-coffee drink?
This little experience made me realize that even something as small as ordering hot chocolate instead of coffee is noticed by "the world." Then again, maybe it's just because I live in Seattle. Either way, we (Mormons) certainly are a peculiar people.
Ha. At least you know what a non-something or other, no this, 1/2 of that, and double something else is! 5 years in Seattle and I still feel like a fool trying to order anything at those places. Whatever happened to small, medium and large?
I had to laugh at this post because I can't tell you how many hot chocolates I ordered from Starbucks during this last pregnancy :) !!
P.S. I just found your blog through Rory's blog. It is fun to have more blogs to read!
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