Do any of you have allergies, food or other? Do any of you have children with allergies? We took Sam to an allergist fairly early in his life (7 months) because he clearly had a problem (severe eczema and constant itching, as shown above). The original diagnosis was that our little guy was allergic to tree nuts, dairy, wheat, egg whites, and flax seed - whatever that is. We made immediate changes to Amanda's diet because, at that point, Sam was still getting most of his nurishment through breastfeeding. The changes were almost immediate.
Over the past year or so, we have become a bit more lax in what we feed him. He is a very picky eater and needs to be tricked into eating new things. Some of the things that we can always count on him eating are cheese, fig newtons, crackers, potato chips, and bread. Most of the time he does not react to the dairy, wheat, and egg which are included in the ingredients of the aforementioned favorite foods; however, every once in a while he does react in the form of a rash or an itch fit.
Fastforward to today. Today he reacted to something by itching himself bloody. The poor kid. He typically itches his hands, elbows, and legs with this hands and he rubs his feet together to scratch that itch. We try to keep socks on his feet to limit his access, however he is a pro at getting the socks off.
I'm not sure what the moral of this story is, but it is clear that we will need to wash the sheets.
Bummer about all the allergies. And hey! Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm totally addicted, but am not always good at keeping up!
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Hey, what a cute kid you guys have.
He has grown. I hope you were able to find out what the allergies were. Cherlyn Tucker
Hi - This is random but I was looking at a friends blog and before long I found myself several blogs away and saw this post about your little one. Our daughter has/had (some she's outgrown) several similiar allergies and you might find some helpful info on my blog...
I'd love to share info and am always looking for people in our same situation. All the best! Lisita
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