A: Sam, what is Walmart?
S: Icky Gross
A: That's right. And what is Target?
S: Wicked awesome.
C: Where does food go when you put it into your mouth?
S: Down my belly and into my stinky diaper.
A: That pizza was crap
S: It wasn't crap, it was awesome.
A: Chris, that's because you're stupid.
S: Daddy's not stupid, he's funny.
C:(Listening to music in the car) Hey, let's rock out.
S: No daddy don't. It's dangerous to rock out.
C: Where are gonna go to school?
S: Hmmm, BY Woo.
C: Did you have a bad dream last night?
S: Yes
C: What was it about?
S: Eyeballs.
Chris's Mom: Let's get your shoes on so we can go outside.
S: I don't need shoes, I have my feet.
S: (After the opening hymn at church) That was a good song.
S: (Eating a breadstick in the car) I'm going to eat it...all...gone.
We've also done nice things, like telling him about the temple. We told him that you go there to get married and be baptized for dead people. The first time he saw the temple he said "I want to get married." Now he will just randomly start telling anyone that "we go to the temple to get married and baptize by proxy."
Love the pictures on the side bar! I laughed out loud. Maybe Sam wants a puzzle for his birthday? Or he probably has enough already. We're excited to come visit!
That's pretty amazing he can do puzzles that big. My girls love puzzles too....but we stick to like the 15 piece ones (and Aubrey needs help with those ones). Way cute pictures.....so are you against betrothing them? :)
That was so funny I had to tell my husband the first one, but then he had to read over my shoulder all of the rest. We laughed so hard!! One of my favorites was Target being Wicked Awesome, because we feel the same way! lol
More power to you!!!
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